Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Get a head start!

I know that you are having a wonderful break! If you would like to get a head start, I have added Study Island assignments that will be due January 11th. Remember to restock on those lost or used art supplies to use in our classroom.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thank you!

Dear Students and Parents,
Thank you so much for the gift cards, yummy goodies, sweet gifts, and the gift certificate for the massage. You made me feel so special! You are such an exceptional, wonderful class! I am very blessed with such a sweet class.
Lots of love,
Mrs. Haycook

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Have a wonderful break!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I pray that you and your family will have a wonderful break and enjoy spending this precious time together! Relax and enjoy yourself and come back rested and ready to learn. This is also a good time to replenish those art supplies we use in class such as crayons, markers, glue sticks, and scissors.
Lots of Love,
Mrs. Haycook

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Students in the Spotlight

Griffin is one of our Students in the Spotlight this week. Last week I noticed how respectful he was to other students. Griffin exhibits integrity and a strong character. He is also a excellent student and a strong athlete. Great Job, Griffin!

Students in the Spotlight

Avery is one our Students in the Spotlight this week. I have noticed that Avery always gives her very best in everything that she does. She is always kind and respectful to others. Avery is a talented artist and math whiz as well! Way to Go, Avery!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Stockings and Stocking stuffers

Please send a stocking for your child to hang in our room on December 17th. From December 17-20, we are going to fill our stockings with goodies. Please send in 20 small stocking stuffers such as pencils, erasers etc. by your child's designated day. On Monday, December 17th, numbers 1-7 will stuff the stockings. On Tuesday, December 18th, numbers 8-14 will stuff the stockings. Finally, on Wednesday, December 19th, numbers 15-20 will stuff the stockings. Thank you for all of your help!
Carrie Haycook

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Jury Duty

This week we began talking about our responsibilities as a citizen. We learned that as a citizen you may be called to serve on a jury. Well, I guess I am going to demonstrate this responsibility. I must report downtown Monday for jury duty. I may only be there one day. Each day they will let us know if we must report back the next day. I am told that you usually do not have to stay more than three days unless you get picked to serve on a jury. Mrs. Cheryl has made sure that we have an experienced substitute just in case. We will go on as usual. Remember, you may e-mail me with any questions. Thank you!
Carrie Haycook

Monday, December 3, 2007

Caught Being Good!

Alright everyone, part of tonight's homework is to check our blog for all the new posts. If you are reading this, you followed directions!! Yeah!!! Click on the comment icon and write your name to let me know that you saw this. Everyone who posts a comment gets five "Caught Being Good" slips! Way to Go!!!!

"Bee" Sure To Remember

* Bring in mittens, scarves, and hats to add to "The Mitten Tree". These will be given to another elementary school in our community.
* Check your couch cushions and cat seats for spare change to donate to "Pennies For Penguins". Our school will be purchasing stuffed penguins in support of Le Bonheur.
* If you would like to help with the cost of postage to mail our packages to our soldier, Ashley, please send in a labeled baggie or envelope.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Holiday Project

As we enter the holiday season, many our families have wonderful traditions, and celebrations. We want to share these with our class. On Monday, December 17th, everyone needs to bring in two items that represent your family and the celebrations you will have this season. Each student will give an oral report describing the items and their family traditions. The oral report needs to be about 3 to 5 minutes. Each student may use a index card, but only to help remember important points. You guys did such an exceptional job on your Character Book Report, so I can not wait to hear about your wonderful traditions.

Thank you for all of you who helped by giving to our soldier!! We still need donations toward the postage of our packages. If you would like to send a few dollars to help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Again!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Character Book Report

Everyone did such a terrific job on their Character Book Report! I could really tell that you practiced! I am so proud of you! Go to the Class Picture Items link on the left to view more pictures.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Class Picture Album

Check out class pictures. Just click the link to the left labeled Class Picture Albums.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Weekly Letter 11-26

Click on the above image to enlarge.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Soldier's Angel

We are so excited about adopting our soldier!! Her name is Ashley. I e-mailed her to ask what she really needs. She wrote me back and said that she needs lots of AA batteries, white socks, and zip lock bags (all sizes). She said that there is so much dust out there that it's hard to keep anything clean, so she puts everything in zip lock bags. Her favorite snacks are Goldfish crackers. We are going to start collecting, and I would love to send her a package by November 30th! We will also need to take up a collection for the postage, and a medium size box. Thank you for all of your help!!! If you would like to help, please leave a comment. You are the best!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

Remember, we only have school on Monday and Tuesday. I pray that you and your family have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Character Book Report

Remember, you need to be ready for your Character Book Report on Wednesday, November 28th. Practice in front of your family and friends!! I can not wait to see it!

Grammar Rock Presentation

Remember those great Saturday morning School House Rock songs? They were fun and helped us learn through songs and animation. Join us on Wednesday, November 14th at 12:40 with Mrs. White's class for our Grammar Rock presentation. We will have light refreshments following our presentation. See you there!!

Our class on the 50th day of school